Bourbonnais Tuesday Folder Updates

March 11, 2025

New Information

Reading is Fun Book Reviews: Our annual “Reading is Fun/March Madness” event is underway! Book Review sheets have been sent home with students in Kindergarten – Fifth Grade.  Student book reviews are read daily during school announcements along with other fun March Madness activities.

Goods and Services Day:  On Thursday, March 13, the 4th Grade class is sponsoring a Goods and Services day.  Please see the flyer sent home today for details.

Mac Pac Meeting: There will be a Mac Pac meeting on March, 13 at the Bourbonnais Site, 6:00pm.  All are welcome.

Irish Fund: March 14th, There will be an out of Uniform day for a minimum donation of $2 to help us reach our Irish Fund goal during the Week of Giving!

Early Dismissal/Teacher Inservice: There will be an 11:30 dismissal this Friday, March 14. There is no extended day.

LaBraid Fundraiser Pick up: LaBraid fundraising item pick up will be on Monday March 17 at the Kankakee Site.

Spring Break: Spring Break will begin on Monday, March 24 -March 28.  School resumes on Monday, March 31

Lenten Project: Please help feed the hungry in our community.  The MBVM Food Pantry has been serving 23-30 needy families each week.  Donations help replenish the food pantry. Information was emailed detailing canned and package goods requested by grade level. Your generosity is appreciated.

Fundraising and Events

RaiseRight (formerly Scrip): Start earning tuition credit 2025-26 now! By using gift cards to pay for everyday (and not-so-everyday) expenses, each participant can earn over $1,000 each year. For every gift card purchased, you receive earnings, 50% of your earned rebate will be applied to next year’s tuition. Questions, contact Sandy Kuntz at
Market Day: Look for the monthly specials on the Market Day website (! 

Important Information

Attention New Families! Protecting God’s Children Seminars: All parent ambassadors/volunteers are required to complete a VIRTUS/Protecting God’s Children course before assisting the school.  If you are a new parent or have not completed the course please see the information below
In order to volunteer in any capacity, i.e., classroom parties, lunch duty, parent work day etc. the Diocese requires certification. Please see the following steps for completion:
Step 1: Go to to create an account.
Step 2: Accept and Acknowledge understanding of the Policy and Standards.
Step 3: Take the Protecting God’s Children online course through
Step 4: Give consent for the Name-Based Background Check through
Step 5: Fill out the Parent Volunteer Application

Follow BMCS Online: Be sure to “like” Bishop McNamara Catholic School on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@Bishop McNamara) and Instagram(@bishopmcnamara).  Our website is

Important Dates

March 13: Mac Pac Meeting. Bourbonnais Site 6pm
March 13: 4Th Grade Goods and Services day  
March 14: Early Dismissal 11:30am. School Improvement Day.
March 15: Irish Alumni Event at the Kankakee Country Club, tickets on sale @
March 24 – March 28: No School. Spring Break
March 31: School Resumes
April 5: Spring Fling, 6-8pm. Kankakee Site
April 9: 5th Grade Field Trip to Springfield
April 10: Mac Pac Meeting, 6:00pm. Bourbonnais Site
April 16: Mid Terms Issued
April 17: Holy Thursday, 11:30 dismissal. No Extended Day
April 18: Good Friday, No School
April 20: Easter Sunday
April 21: Easter Monday, No School
April 22: School Resumes
May 1: Relaxed Dress Code Begins

students outside

Find your Tuesday Folder attachments and additional documents at the button below:

out of uniform



