Bradley Tuesday Folder Updates
March 11, 2024
New Information
Stations of the Cross: Our students will participate in Stations of the Cross each Friday of Lent at 2:20 pm. Please join us for this important Lenten tradition. Upcoming dates are March 21st, April 4th, 11th
Irish Fund: March 14th, There will be an out of Uniform day for a minimum donation of $2 to help us reach our Irish Fund goal during the Week of Giving!
Trimester 2 Awards: Join us tomorrow after Mass at 9:00 am for the Trimester 2 Awards. These awards highlight the efforts that students in grades K-5 have achieved during the last trimester.
Library Volunteers: Our school needs Library volunteers to help straighten and reshelve books. This volunteer position can be done anytime during the school day. The Library is not open on Tuesday. Parent Ambassador hours will be given for each hour worked.
There will be an Early Dismissal for School Improvement on Friday, March 14th. School will be dismissed at 11:30 a.m. Extended-day services will be available.
It is EXTREME Irish Spirit Wear Day on Monday, March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day. Students may be out of uniform that day.
Spring Break will be held March 24th-March 28th. There will be no school. School will resume on Monday, March 31st.
New Family Tours: The grade schools will open their doors for new families to discover The McNamara Catholic School difference. If you know someone who is interested in enrolling their children next year, please encourage them to sign up for an individualized tour guided by the school principal or to reach out to Mrs. Berg at
Fundraising and Events
RaiseRight (formerly Scrip): Start earning tuition credit 2025-26 now! By using gift cards to pay for everyday (and not-so-everyday) expenses, each participant can earn over $1,000 each year. For every gift card purchased, you receive earnings, 50% of your earned rebate will be applied to next year’s tuition. Questions, contact Sandy Kuntz at
Market Day: Look for the monthly specials on the Market Day website (!
Important Information
Appropriate Outerwear: Please remember to send a sweater or jacket with your student each day, as the weather cools off temperatures can drop quickly and vary from day to day. Also, please label your student’s items, this helps us return lost or misplaced clothing to their owner!
Attention ALL Families who would like to Volunteer: All parent ambassadors/volunteers are required to complete a VIRTUS/Protecting God’s Children course before assisting the school. Upon completion you may volunteer for your child’s classroom parties and other school activities. If you already have a account and have taken the Protecting God’s Children Course, simply log in to your account and make sure your dashboard is all “Green.” Then, (New this year) fill out a Parent Volunteer Application. (These can be found in the Parent Portal or you may request one from the school office.)
Step 1: Go to to create an account.
Step 2: Accept and Acknowledge understanding of the Policy and Standards.
Step 3: Take the Protecting God’s Children online course through
Step 4: Give consent for the Name-Based Background Check through
Step 5: Fill out the Parent Volunteer Application
Important Dates:
March 12: Trimester 2 Awards following Mass at 9:00 am
March 13: Mac Pac Meeting,6:00 pm at the Bourbonnais Site
March 14: School Improvement Day, Early Dismissal at 11:30 am
March 15: Irish Alumni Event at the Kankakee Country Club, tickets on sale @
March 17: EXTREME Irish Spirit Wear Day
March 24th-March 28th: Spring Break
March 31: School resumes
April 5th: Spring Fling Dance