Illinois Requirements
By law, all students who fail to comply by 10/15/21 will be excluded from school on 10/16/21.
Birth Certificate Requirement
ILLINOIS LAW REQUIRES that all students enrolling in an IL school for the first time must submit a certified copy of their original birth certificate. Parents who are unable to provide a certified copy of their child’s birth certificate must submit a signed GENERAL AFFIDAVIT explaining the reason why they are unable to provide a certified copy of the birth certificate along with a Passport, Visa, or other government issued documentation showing reliable proof of their child’s identity and age.
Physical Exam Requirement
ILLINOIS LAW REQUIRES that all students entering preschool, kindergarten, 6th, or 9th grade, or transferring from out of state have a physical examination within one calendar year PRIOR to the date of entry. The examination must be reported on the Illinois DHS-Certificate of Child Health Examination form & include a complete immunization record and medical history. Students transferring from another Illinois school must present copies of their current Illinois school health records. Section 27-8.1 of the Illinois School Code states: "If a child does not comply ...... then the LOCAL SCHOOL AUTHORITY SHALL EXCLUDE THAT CHILD FROM SCHOOL until such time as the child presents proof of having had either the health examination or those required immunizations which are medically possible to receive immediately."
Dental Exam Requirement
Public Act 93-946 requires all Illinois children in kindergarten, 2nd, and 6th grade to have an oral health exam. Each child shall present proof of exam by a dentist prior to MAY 15th of the school year. Vision Exam Requirement: Public Act 95-0671 requires all Illinois children enrolling in kindergarten or any student enrolling in an IL school for the first time to have an eye examination. Each child shall present proof of an eye exam performed by a licensed eye doctor by THE FIRST DAY of the school year.
Immunization Objections
Parents or guardians who object to health examinations or immunizations on religious grounds must present a signed statement detailing the specific grounds for the objection. If a child cannot be fully immunized because of health reasons (medical contraindication), the physician must provide the school with a signed statement. In the event of one diagnosed case of a communicable disease such as measles or polio, any student who is not protected by immunization shall be immediately excluded from school. This exclusion shall be in effect for 21 days following the last reported case or until the student can show proof of immunity.
All 6th graders must have received one dose on after 11 years of age. All 12th graders must have received two doses unless the first dose was administered after age 16. In this case only one dose after age 16 is required. DTP/DTaP – four or more doses, with the last booster received on or after the 4th birthday. Tdap – (different than DTP/DTaP/DT/Td) all students in grades 6-12 must provide proof of having received one Tdap booster. OPV/IPV – All preschool students must have two doses by 1 year of age and one additional dose by 2nd birthday. All K-12 students must have received three or more doses of the same type of Polio vaccine with the last dose received on or after the 4TH birthday or four or more doses if the series is given in any combination of polio vaccine types. MMR (Mumps/Measles/Rubella) - All preschool students must have received one dose on or after the 1st birthday but prior to 24 months of age. All students K-12 must have received two doses of MMR vaccine; the first dose on or after the 1st birthday and the second dose at least 28 days later. VARICELLA (Chicken Pox) – All students PK-12 must have received one dose of varicella on or after the 1st birthday. Students entering Kindergarten, 6th and 9th grades must have received two doses; the 1st dose must have been received on or after the 1st birthday and the second dose at least 28 days later. Physician documentation verifying disease history or laboratory evidence of immunity excludes need for vaccine.
Hepatitis B
(MANDATED FOR Pre-Kindergarten AND GRADES 6-12) a series of two plus one booster. The last dose must have been given on or after 6 months of age. Laboratory evidence of prior or current infection excludes need for vaccine. Hib - (MANDATED FOR Pre-Kindergarten ONLY) given according to a vaccination schedule; minimum dose required is one after 15 months of age. Pneumococcal – (MANDATED FOR Pre-Kindergarten ONLY) given according to a vaccine schedule; minimum dose required is one after 24 months of age.