make every day count

A high school career is just 1460 days short. At Bishop McNamara, we're giving students the tools and resources they need to make every day count academically, spiritually, and socially. Every day is part of the journey to the next level whether that's college/university, serving our country in the armed forces, or joining the work force.

week of Feb 11

Irish 1460: Week of March 11

Testing: Today is testing for Freshman thru Juniors. Early dismissal after tests. Seniors have no class

Drivers Ed: Thursday the 13th Kankakee High School will be here to discuss Drivers Ed options.

End of Quarter: End of third quarter is Friday!

Spring Break: Spring break is almost here! We are off March 24th-March 28th! School resumes Monday the 31st.
*Remember your ONE shirt Tuesday April 1st.

Service Hours: Students please remember to submit your service hours as you complete them.

Illinois Wesleyan: March 14th Illinois Wesleyan College will be here during lunch hours. Stop by and check them out!

Kairos: Kairos begins March 18th. Let go & let God.

After School Activities: Sat March 15 there’s an indoor track meet at ONU

Candy Wars: Wednesday, March 12 – Friday, March 14 We will be collecting packaged candy items, stickers, or small toys that will fit into plastic Easter eggs. The class who brings in the most items will recieve an OoUD on Tuesday

Irish Fund: Any parent who donates $100+ will be entered into a drawing for $1000 next years tuition.
Give here:

Donut Sale: Jr High will be selling donuts in the Cafeteria March 14th for $2 from 7:15-8:00.

Events Coming Up: March 14th - Out of Uniform day for a minimum $2 donation
March 17th - St. Patrick’s Day Mass (Mass attire)
March 18th- Late Start: Soph. Mental health day

Alumni Event: The Irish Alumni Association will be having a St. Patrick’s Day celebration. Saturday, March 15th join us at the Kankakee Country Club for food, drinks, live music, and basketball! Buy tickets online

Cinderella: Congrats to the whole cast and crew of Cinderella. The performances were outsianding.

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Class of 2024

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Mrs. Kaelyn Bess, President/ Principal: