Kankakee Tuesday Folder Updates

March 11, 2025

New Information

Irish Fund: March 14th, There will be an out of Uniform day for a minimum donation of $2 to help us reach our Irish Fund goal during the Week of Giving!

Yearbooks: Yearbook order forms have been handed out to your junior high students this week.  The cost is $28 and order forms are due March 31st.

Sandwich Baggies: The jr high teachers are asking for donations of sandwich sized Zip-loc baggies. Please send them to school with your student to turn into Mrs. Mesenbring.

Donut Sale: On Friday, March 14, the JH Student Council will be selling donuts in the cafeteria from 7:15 to 8:00 AM in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. Students are encouraged to wear their most festive Irish spirit wear (but face paint is not permitted). Feel free to dress up as a leprechaun to join in the fun!

St. Patrick’s Day Mass: On Monday, March 17, JH will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day Mass at 8:05 AM in St. Patrick’s Chapel at our school.

Stations of The Cross: Throughout the Lenten season, JH students in religion classes with Mrs Menard will be praying the Stations of the Cross every Friday during 1st hour (8:00–8:50) and 5th hour (12:06–12:48). We invite anyone who would like to join us in prayer to attend.

Candy Wars: Bishop McNamara Junior High / High School “Candy Wars” Wednesday, March 12 – Friday, March 14.
Sweet Darren's, a bakery and ice cream shop that employs individuals with special needs in our community, is hosting their annual Easter Egg Hunt for children and adult with disabilities and their siblings. Our Bishop McNamara community has been asked to partner with Sweet Darren's to support the Hunt! Starting on Wednesday, March 12 through Friday, March 14, Bishop McNamara students will be collecting packaged candy items, stickers, or small toys that will fit into plastic Easter eggs for this Easter Egg Hunt event. We will have containers in each of the junior high classrooms and bins outside the main entrance for high school grades to put in your items. The student classes (junior high grades and high school grades) that collect the most items will receive an “out of uniform” day on Tuesday, March 18th.  

Fundraising and Events

RaiseRight (formerly Scrip): Start earning tuition credit 2025-26 now! By using gift cards to pay for everyday (and not-so-everyday) expenses, each participant can earn over $1,000 each year. For every gift card purchased, you receive earnings, 50% of your earned rebate will be applied to next year’s tuition. Questions, contact Sandy Kuntz at skuntz@bmcss.org.
Market Day: Look for the monthly specials on the Market Day website (marketday.com)!

Important Information

Front Parking Lot: Parents and students, please remember that the spots in the front lot, closest to the school, are reserved for auction purchasers. This includes school parking, events and games! Please refrain from using these spots at any time.

Regular Dress Code Began on October 1st.  Junior High Students may wear all school approved tops with school approved bottoms Tops: solid white or Lands’ End evergreen polo (logo required). • Bottoms may consist of navy blue (non-denim) slacks or fingertip-length Lands’ End skirt or skort. • Black, brown, or navy belts must be worn with slacks. • Closed toe shoes are required. Shoe choice should not be a distraction for students • White, navy, or black over the ankle socks. Girls may wear white, navy, or black solid colored tights. • Undershirts should be plain white crewneck, v-neck, or tank top. • Optional sweaters, activewear, and outerwear is available on the Lands’ End website. * All skirts at fingertip length. Students wearing skirts not meeting this length requirement will not be permitted into class and received an unexcused absence. Reminder:  hoodies, sweatshirts, and spirit wear are reserved for Fridays with uniform bottoms only. Please see student handbook for more uniform information: https://www.bishopmac.com/page/student-and-parent-handbooks

Daily Announcements: There will be daily announcements posted on our website at bishopmac.com/page/announcements.

Item Drop-offs: Parents needing to drop off something during the day, please make sure to drop off at the Main Office. Please make sure the item is marked with your student's name. 

Late Students: The Junior High doors are locked at 8:01 from 2:59. Please use the main doors on Brookmont Blvd. for any student arriving late or leaving early during the school day.

Leaving Early: Any student leaving early during the day for an appointment, etc.  please call the main office in the morning.  We will give your student a pass to get out of class.   They will then come to the main office to sign out.  Students need to be retrieved at the main doors on Brookmont Blvd..  

Spirit Wear Day: Each Friday we will have a Spirit Wear Day. Your student may wear uniform bottoms with any style Bishop McNamara Catholic School shirt. 

Attention New Families! Protecting God’s Children Seminars: All parent ambassadors/volunteers are required to complete a VIRTUS/Protecting God’s Children course before assisting the school.  If you are a new parent or have not completed the course please see the information below
In order to volunteer in any capacity, i.e., classroom parties, lunch duty, parent work day etc. the Diocese requires certification. Please see the following steps for completion:
Step 1: Go to www.virtusonline.org to create an account.
Step 2: Accept and Acknowledge understanding of the Policy and Standards.
Step 3: Take the Protecting God’s Children online course through Virtus.org
Step 4: Give consent for the Name-Based Background Check through Virtus.org
Step 5: Fill out the Parent Volunteer Application

Follow BMCS Online: Be sure to “like” Bishop McNamara Catholic School on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@Bishop McNamara) and Instagram(@bishopmcnamara).  Our website is www.bishopmac.com.

Important Dates

March 12 & 13: Adoration in the Chapel
March 13: Mac Pac meeting @ 6pm, Bourbonnais site
March 14: St. Patrick’s Day Donut Day Sale (JH cafeteria 7:15 am-8:00 am)
March 14: School Improvement Day/ Early Dismissal 12:00 JH ONLY
March 15: Irish Alumni Event at the Kankakee Country Club, tickets on sale @ Bishopmac.com
March 24-28: No School: Spring Break
March 31: Classes Resume
April 9 & 10: Adoration and reconciliation in Chapel

students outside

Find your Tuesday Folder attachments and additional documents at the button below:

out of uniform

Donut Sale

Dark Friday Prayer