Faith Formation

female child at all school rosary

student at Mass

senior mass

Students at Bishop McNamara have a daily opportunity to grow in faith and knowledge of God. In religion classes, the students will learn about the Catholic faith as well as strategies for daily prayer. The hope of this faith formation is to foster in the students a love for God as well as to form them to be upstanding members of society. 

The focus of faith formation in religion class develops from year to year: The Freshmen study the Holy Scriptures and Jesus as the source of salvation. The Sophomores study the Church and the Paschal Mystery of Jesus. The Juniors learn about the sacraments and morality as a life of grace in Christ. The Seniors have an opportunity to take a religious elective, and many study world religions as well as a course on Catholic Social Teaching. 

Beyond the classroom, students are invited to have a lived experience of faith through daily prayer in the classroom, Mass for high school twice a month, yearly retreats, and many service opportunities throughout the year. Students also have the opportunity to attend Mass daily before school at 7:15am, and the chapel is always open for private prayer. K-8 celebrate Mass weekly. Twice yearly, K-12 gather as one to celebrate the Liturgy.

Let hearts that seek the Lord rejoice! Seek out the Lord and His might; constantly seek his face – Psalm 105:3-4