website news

From Fall Sports, to Gratitude Drive-Thru; BMCS is busy!

We hosted Mr. Chad Busick from the Jon Gordon speaking team. He worked with our coaches, students, and staff on leadership and positivity.

Our fall sports are off to a great start and the Fightin' Irish are working hard. It will be exciting to see their progress and success this year.

We celebrated Grade School Night and had so much fun with all of our friends. Stay tuned for our Winter Grade School Night which will take place during Basketball season.

Our annual Gratitude Drive- Thru was a success! All of our sites were excited to show our thanks and appreciation for all first responders, veterans, and active military members. This year at the Kankakee Site, we tried something new and found much success! We welcomed these community members to our Patriots' Day Mass and reception.

We are so excited for all of our upcoming events, especially Homecoming Week, which will be taking place September 23-27.

Important Upcoming Dates:

September 12: MacPac Meeting Bourbonnais Site library, 6:00pm

September 23-27: Homecoming Week 

September 25: Homecoming Bonfire 

September 27: Early Dismissal 10:00 am – Homecoming Parade & Homecoming Football Game 

September 28: Homecoming Dance  

October 1: ONE Shirt Day